魔兽争霸 1+2 重制版 | Warcraft I and II: Remastered




图片[1]-魔兽争霸 1+2 重制版 |  Warcraft I and II: Remastered-好玩客

[Warcraft I: Remastered]



图片[2]-魔兽争霸 1+2 重制版 |  Warcraft I and II: Remastered-好玩客

[Warcraft II: Remastered]






《Warcraft I: Remastered》

  • 重温标志性的视听体验:在经典与重新绘制的手绘艺术之间自由切换。宽屏支持和用户界面多项视觉升级,将史诗战斗的全景尽收眼底。享受未压缩并重新平衡的经典音乐主题。
  • 经典玩法,现代操控:加入血量显示、单位选择扩展、快捷键指示等多项改进,打造更加无缝流畅的现代游戏体验。
  • 历史的传承:探索从1994年发掘出的原始概念艺术,《魔兽争霸:人类与兽人重制版》收录了大量未曾公开的作品,见证《魔兽》传奇的起源,感受当年讲述的历史与故事。

《Warcraft II: Remastered》

  • 黑暗潮汐再度来袭:在体验了“黑潮之战”战役之后,你可以进入扩展内容“黑暗之门的彼岸”战役,尽情享受完整的《魔兽争霸II》重制版冒险。
  • 重温标志性的视听体验:在经典与重新绘制的手绘艺术之间自由切换。宽屏支持和用户界面多项视觉升级,将史诗战斗的全景尽收眼底。享受未压缩并重新平衡的经典音乐主题。
  • 加入狂热战斗:与战网账户无缝集成,在支持最多8名玩家的经典或定制地图上,与好友进行多人对战!你还可以创建或加入全球玩家的自定义游戏大厅,进行激烈角逐。





Warcraft: Orcs & Humans is the first game in the Warcraft series developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The Orcish hordes are summoned through the dark portal to the peaceful human Kingdom of Azeroth. When the two races meet each other, a terrible war ensues. Only one race can dominate the land.

Players can choose to play as either the Humans or the Orcs. There are 12 scenarios for each race with mostly a single objective: destroy the enemy.

As with most RTS games of the same era, a lot of time is spent collecting resources and building structures to make/upgrade different types of units.




魔兽争霸 2:黑潮

Captain your own fleet in the second Warcraft® title created in 1995, now remastered with vivid, all-new visuals and modernized controls!

War between orc and humans rages on across the seas, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance as the great tacticians of the Horde and the Alliance clash. Only one thing is certain: winning this war will demand unprecedented cunning, courage, and nerves of steel.




#魔兽争霸:人类与兽人 | WC1 | Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

#魔兽争霸 2:黑潮 | WC2 / WarCraft II: Blood Seas / Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness / Warcraft 2: The Dark Saga / Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition / Warcraft II: The Dark Saga / Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness / Warcraft 2: Battle.net Edition / WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness | Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

#Warcraft I & II Bundle | Warcraft and Warcraft II Remastered | Warcraft® II: Remastered

#Blizzard Entertainment


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