绒毛球 (2020)Fuzzball

ShadowLair Games





Roll, dash, bash and smash in this playful 4 player brawler! Play as one of 6 FuzzBalls, these small animal plush toys roll into balls of fluff to move around and knock their enemies off a selection of 7 unique stages. In Vs Mode, you will need to knock out all your enemies and be the last player to remain to be crowned as the ultimate victor. In Party Mode, you will compete with your friends to complete various missions to earn points. Will you play the objective, or will you get in everyone’s way?



扮演 6 个 FuzzBalls 之一,这些小动物毛绒玩具滚成绒毛球,在 7 个独特的关卡中四处移动并将敌人击倒。

FuzzBall 带有 3 种不同的游戏模式,支持 1-4 名玩家进行本地沙发多人游戏:
– 在 Vs 模式中,您需要击倒所有敌人,并成为最后一名成为最终胜利者的玩家。
– 在派对模式中,您将与您的朋友竞争完成各种任务以获得积分。你会发挥目标,还是会妨碍每个人?
– 在 Flexiball 中,玩家必须齐心协力执行规则和思维弯曲的动作,并在时限内完成尽可能多的任务。


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